Artsy Design

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Big Baby!

Last Wednesday we went to the Dr. for another routine check up with Baby #2. At that point I was 30 weeks but the baby measured at 33 weeks!!  The Dr. did an ultrasound to make sure there was not too much fluid around the baby and everything turned out fine.  I did ask whether this meant that I would have her sooner and the Dr. seemed to think not.  We'll see!  According to the 'all-knowing' ultrasound machine(and according to the baby's head size- Thank you, Tony)  the baby is weighing in at 4lbs 12 oz. NOW!  Whew...! 9 more weeks huh??!! We are scheduled to see the Dr. every two weeks at this point so maybe there will be an update next Tuesday!? We finally have a name picked out but won't be sharing until she comes into the world!  Feel free to make your guesses though!