Artsy Design

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Potty Training 101

Well we've attempted  potty training and now we've gone back to diapers.  Phew.... what a job!  Anna has decided to go potty at the best times possible, in her undies...... like when I am contained in a chair feeding Lacy.  Today, in apporox. 10 minutes I began feeding Lacy 4 times.  In between those times we had 4 accidents on the carpet, 4 clean pairs of undies, 4 different rags used to clean and blot the carpet, one baby arm stepped on, one baby screaming her head off so hard that she spit up all over me, one very long time out, and one mom in tears. Just at the point that I was thinking.... "How on earth will I survive this day??" Anna comes up to me while cleaning the 4th carpet mess, wipes my tears and says, "Mom, please don't cry.  I'm sorry.  I lub you!"    Good thing tomorrow is a new day! Gotta love those two year olds.  

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Dr. Appointment update...

Sorry no updated pictures as of yet......

 Today we went for another routine check up. We are visiting the dr. every two weeks at this point.  Phew - lots of driving and work for a 'yep the baby has a heartbeat, see you in two weeks'  kind of check up.  And seriously, when I left I was not feeling like a happy pregnant lady! Here is why.....

1.  We found out that we owed more $ after completely paying the bills off last time we came in.  (How does that happen? )

2.  The receptionist asked when I was due and after I responded "8 more weeks" she said...."wow.... are you having twins?" (Seriously, haven't you learned not to say that - especially since you see pregnant ladies every day!
And really, I am probably already aware of the fact that my stomach is larger than normal so you really don't need to share your wisdom with me - EVER AGAIN!

3.  After my Dr. measured me she pointed out that I may really need a c-section this time because the baby is so big. (Huh..... I go to the chiropractor to finallly get my hips in line and now the baby is too big??  I just can't win.)

4.  After taking my blood pressure, my nurse says, "Hum... a slight bit higher than normal but nothing to be worried about."  ( Not sure why it was higher?  Maybe the receptionist would know???)

By the time we left I was exhausted. Oh yes... probably should mention... baby's heartbeat was great - 140 beats per minute.  I did measure three cm larger this time so yes... the baby is growing and getting bigger.  The Dr. said that if they do a c-section it would only be a week early because the hospital frowns upon deliveries planned earlier than that.   

Wouldn't it be just fantastic if I go into labor three weeks early and deliver a 7lb. baby without a c-section.......

Yeah... we'll see......

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Big Baby!

Last Wednesday we went to the Dr. for another routine check up with Baby #2. At that point I was 30 weeks but the baby measured at 33 weeks!!  The Dr. did an ultrasound to make sure there was not too much fluid around the baby and everything turned out fine.  I did ask whether this meant that I would have her sooner and the Dr. seemed to think not.  We'll see!  According to the 'all-knowing' ultrasound machine(and according to the baby's head size- Thank you, Tony)  the baby is weighing in at 4lbs 12 oz. NOW!  Whew...! 9 more weeks huh??!! We are scheduled to see the Dr. every two weeks at this point so maybe there will be an update next Tuesday!? We finally have a name picked out but won't be sharing until she comes into the world!  Feel free to make your guesses though! 

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Anna's many hats!

Anna has found a love for hats!  

Monday, January 17, 2011

Anna playing soccer

Anna playing soccer with Dad!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year!!

We decied to start 2011 out with a bang...and our first trip to the ER with Anna. :) She fell against a corner cabinet while playing with her cousins and ended up with a HUGE black/blue/purple welt on her forehead. The Dr. was not very concerned. We ended up spending a few hours on New Years night in the hospital room 'waiting' to make sure it didn't get worse. As the pictures show... she was fine and loved the attention with snacks,juice, and toys!! The pictures don't really do the battle wound justice!